Making History, Saving Lives.
You Can Too.

NYC’s Overdose Prevention Centers are operated using private donations and foundation funds only. City and State dollars cannot be used to operate the OPCs at this time. We need your help!

Donate now to keep the OPCs saving lives!

Progress Toward Our $109,247 Goal


In the first 9 months of operation, staff at our two Overdose Prevention Centers (OPCs) intervened in over 603 overdoses. The OPCs were utilized more than 45,773 times, enrolled over 2,085 participants into the care of our program, and diverted over 1,472,137 units of hazardous waste from parks and public spaces in New York City.

By preventing 911 calls, ambulance transport, emergency room visits, and admissions, we have helped save New York City an estimated $13.3 million. Most importantly, NOT A SINGLE PERSON DIED while using in our consumption rooms. The evidence is in – safer consumption sites work.

NYC’s Overdose Prevention Centers are operated using private donations and foundation funds only. City and State dollars cannot be used to operate the OPCs at this time. We need your help!

OnPoint NYC will use 100% of funds raised to continue saving lives in our OPCs.



Overdose Interventions
Registered Participants
Number of Times OPCs Utilized
Hazardous Waste Diverted

We call you to seize this historic moment to match what we raise.

Our East Harlem location will be closing early at 8:30pm on Wed 5/1 and Fri 5/3. Our Washington Heights location will be open on our regular schedule.

No One Has To Die of An Overdose.

Through our compassionate and effective approach, we’ve saved over 1,000 lives. With your support, we can save many more.