The First Year of Operations

On November 2021, OnPoint NYC opened the United States’ first Overdose Prevention Centers (OPCs) as a response to New York and the nation’s overdose epidemic. Since launching, the OPCs have saved countless lives and directed thousands of community members to vital services to improve the quality of their lives. Learn more about the first year of operations and the incredible impact in helping tackle the overdose crisis.

Voices from the community

Who is OnPoint nyc?

OnPoint NYC was born out of the merger (completed in 2022) between New York Harm Reduction Educators (founded in 1992) and Washington Heights Corner Project (founded in 2005). OnPoint NYC vigorously advocates for social justice and addresses adverse outcomes among people who use drugs (PWUD) or engage in sex work (PWESW) in Upper Manhattan and the Bronx. We combat stigma and embrace PWUD and PWESW instead of pushing them to the margins. 

What are Overdose Prevention Centers?

OPCs are safe spaces for people who actively use drugs, are at-risk of overdose death, and lack access to critical health and stabilization services. Inside OPCs, people can consume pre-obtained substances and be supervised post-consumption by personnel trained to identify and respond to the earliest signs of overdose.

prevent overdose death and other health risks associated with drug use

facilitate connection to care

reduce public drug use and hazardous waste in public spaces

OPCs primarily serve deeply marginalized and stigmatized people who are disconnected from traditional services. As such, OPCs are a necessary part of a comprehensive solution to the overdose crisis and overall health and wellbeing.

How do they work?

Our OPCs are a low-threshold service, meaning they are designed to remove barriers to care often faced by people actively using drugs and lacking health and stabilization services. An essential part of this approach is creating a safe and loving environment for the beautiful mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents we serve. Consent and intake forms are short and easy to administer. Information on individual visits is collected conversationally by Overdose Prevention Specialists, reducing wait times and focusing on meaningful information to provide adequate care during the visit (such as drug(s) to be used, modality, and recent changes in drug use). Year 1 operational priorities: 

Engagement and Safety 

Relationship and Rapport Building

prevent overdose death and other health risks associated with drug use


Year 1 OPC Baseline Findings and Impacts*


unique participants served


OPC utilizations to prevent public drug use


Interventions to prevent overdose death


Units of hazardous waste kept from public parks, streets, and buildings

*(November 30, 2021 – November 29, 2022)

Recent News


Our East Harlem location will be closing early at 8:30pm on Wed 5/1 and Fri 5/3. Our Washington Heights location will be open on our regular schedule.

No One Has To Die of An Overdose.

Through our compassionate and effective approach, we’ve saved over 1,000 lives. With your support, we can save many more.