A Look Inside NYC’s Supervised Drug-Injection Sites, The First In The Nation

A Look Inside NYC’s Supervised Drug-Injection Sites, The First In The Nation

At 3 p.m. on Wednesday afternoon, the drop-in center at New York Harm Reduction Educators’ East Harlem site was bustling. A few people lingered at the back of the room, asking a staffer when it would be their turn to go into a closed-off area where they could use drugs such as heroin or cocaine under staff supervision. Others were hanging out watching TV, socializing or getting some rest on one of the plush yellow chairs that lined the space.

Read the full article on Gothamist.

Our East Harlem location will be closing early at 8:30pm on Wed 5/1 and Fri 5/3. Our Washington Heights location will be open on our regular schedule.

No One Has To Die of An Overdose.

Through our compassionate and effective approach, we’ve saved over 1,000 lives. With your support, we can save many more.