Seven Days published an in-depth report on OnPoint NYC’s overdose prevention centers, which are being considered as a model in Vermont, where lawmakers seek to authorize a pilot program to help combat the overdose crisis in the state. The article details how three Vermont lawmakers conducted a site visit of our East Harlem location, and their findings. “What I saw at OnPoint was a center that really meets people where they are at,” Rep. Tristan Roberts said. “People were coming in the door and getting the services they needed while being treated with dignity.”

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Our East Harlem location will be closing early at 8:30pm on Wed 5/1 and Fri 5/3. Our Washington Heights location will be open on our regular schedule.

No One Has To Die of An Overdose.

Through our compassionate and effective approach, we’ve saved over 1,000 lives. With your support, we can save many more.