Health Promotion and Recreational Groups

We offer a daily variety of groups. Many have a health promotion focus, such as our MAT support groups, drug education groups, and Hepatitis C education groups.

Other groups, such as open mic, comedy hour, art therapy, gardening, and beekeeping, feed the human need for fun, creativity, and celebrating our unique talents.

Each week, we offer a variety of health promotion and recreational groups, at both our East Harlem and Washington Heights locations.


Visit Us


East Harlem
104 -106 E 126th Street
New York, NY 10035

Washington Heights
500 W 180th Street
New York, NY 10033

Drop-in Centers Hours
Washington Heights DIC
Monday – Friday: 7:30 AM – 11 PM
Weekends: 9 AM – 4:30 PM 

East Harlem DIC
Monday – Friday: 7:30 AM – 11 PM
Weekends: 10:30 AM – 6 PM

Explore our Garden