Our Drop-In Centers are safe, no barrier spaces where you see a beautiful community enjoying company, relaxation, and a respite from the weather and other harsh conditions.
In our Drop-In Centers, participants have access to the following free services. From the Drop-In Centers, we engage participants in additional programs and services we offer in-house and connect them to detox and treatment through outside partner providers.
Nutrition Program
Hot meals and beverages are available throughout the day. While we maintain a meal schedule, we honor the deep roots of community care by feeding people when they are hungry.
Hygiene Program
Access to bathrooms, showers, laundry, and a fresh set of clothing is critical to health, wellness, and dignity. Loving on our participants includes staff washing and folding participants’ clothing while they shower and proving new clothing when needed.
Safe Use Supplies
As a New York State Department of Health-authorized Syringe Service Program, we provide safer drug use supplies, education, and counseling to reduce the potential harms associated with drug use and needle-sharing. We provide supplies to safely smoke, sniff, inject, and booty bump. We also provide naloxone kits and overdose intervention education.
Connectivity Services
In a digital age, an increasing amount of civic participation requires use of a computer, phone, printer, or fax. These amenities are available to participants to adhere to appointment needs, communicate with loved ones, access information, or play games.
Peer Supports
Staff within the organization often come from our participant population and can offer participants support, fellowship, and practical help. Participants often find comfort in connecting with staff members who have used OnPoint’s programs and services to aid in their stabilization.
We operate a hotline number for community members to report syringe litter or public use. Our staff dispatches a team to clean up the area and to help divert use.
In honor of Sexual Health Awareness Month, we spoke with three of our staff members who provide sexual health services about their work and its impact.
Meet Paige Guyott, a dedicated Volunteer and Training Coordinator at OnPoint NYC, whose passion for harm reduction and community care radiates through her work.
On National HIV Testing Day, we interviewed Synn Stern, our Health Clinic Nurse, to discuss the importance of regular HIV testing and how our services support the community.
Visit Us
East Harlem 104 -106 E 126th Street New York, NY 10035
Washington Heights 500 W 180th Street New York, NY 10033
Drop-in Centers Hours Washington Heights DIC Monday – Friday: 7:30 AM – 11 PM Weekends: 9 AM – 4:30 PM
East Harlem DIC Monday – Friday: 7:30 AM – 11 PM Weekends: 10:30 AM – 6 PM